Esto es una copia de los enlaces relacionados en
Con tiempo lo iremos enriqueciendo y traduciendo.

Major Apple.II Archives

Apple II Textfiles- very large collection of Apple II documentation;
lots (and lots!) of basic Apple II information, docs,
game hints/cheats, and more in text files
Apple II Textfiles Mirrors- sites which mirror A2TF content

Apple IIc .dsk Archive (French)- //c info, ADT transfer info,
Applesoft BASIC manual in PDF format,  utility and game
software in emulator Dsk form plus docs and screen pics;
game solutions; excellent Emulator Guide with download
links for emus and II/IIgs ROMs archive which mirrors the contents
of several major Apple II sites

Asimov- #1 ftp archive of Apple II 8-bit games in emulator
disk image format plus emulators, emu info, and ROMs;
utilities; very large docs, hints, ... collection
Asimov Mirrors- sites which mirror Asimov
Planet Mirror
The Horde (Not via IE)

Ground Apple2 U. Iowa- the largest Apple II archive and home site of the
Csa2 Apple.II FAQs; maintains II/IIgsgames, utilities, educational software,
HC/HS stacks, emulators &,  fonts, music files, ...; info about
hardware, software, ...,  plus mirrors for several other archives and
major collections including the famous AOL A2 archives
Ground Mirrors- sites which mirror Ground content

GS WorldView- II/IIgs 'zine featuring news, applications, commentary, and
review articles. GSWV maintains an archive including board & system pics,
updates on Apple II Developers at Work, utilities, games,
system files,and other software plus docs. FAQs mirror
Now on the stands :: the.Summer 2005 issue.

Hardware Page- info for Rich J's A2 Robot and other projects plus
info/links for many A2 hardware projects by others; hardware
info, card pics, drivers, and other software

TFF Enterprises Apple II Archive- large collection of
II/IIgs games and utilities
TFFE Mirrors- sites which mirror TFFE content

Trenco Archive- II/IIgs utilities and games; HyperCard and Hyperstudio
stacks and utilities; major GNO archive; see File List Apple2 U. Kaiserslautern- II/IIgs games, game icons
collection, utilities, and emulator wares

USA2WUG- Apple II/IIgs resources including A2-2000 issues, utilities,
TrackStar ('hard emulator') support, system software, IWSW.

Virtual Apple- maintains large collection of Apple II/IIgs games in
zipped disk image form which you can download or play on-line

What is the Apple IIgs- archive of game, application, and educational
software for the Apple IIgs; now includes the Apple IIgs Gaming
  Memory Fairway: #1 archive of out-of-print commercial IIgs
games in  emulator .2mg and Apple II ShrinkIt form;
includes info blurbs, pics,  and hints

XGS- XGS emu info plus an extensive archive of out-of-print commercial
IIgs software (mainly games) in emulator .2mg form which offers single-
list access with brief comments and file performance info.

Other Important Apple II Sites
A.P.P.L.E.- publishes on-line subscription II/IIgs/Mac 'zine; offers
A2 manuals online, article reprints, new user info, ..., A2 links.

A2 Tips- hints/tips articles for Apple II/IIgs users

A2-Web- Apple II information and links publishes II/IIgs 'zine featuring A2 news. Offers
II/IIgs software downloads, users' groups info, A2 links.

Aaron's Apple II Projects- software by Aaron Heiss

Adalbert Goertz's Pages- genealogy and natural history;
an excellent example of a text-browser-friendly
site created via WebWorks/gs

AncestorWorks- Apple II freeware genealogy software

Andre's 6502 Page- 6502 wares by André Fachat

Another Computer Museum- hosts old Apple II FAQs, including
Applesoft BASIC FAQs (multi-platform)

Apple 1 Project- Apple 1 emulators and information by Gist

Apple Computer A2 Support- mainly GS system software

Apple Computer Archive- specs and setup info for
many A2 Apple products

Apple II Beginner's Guide- information for new Apple II users

Apple II Ethernet Project- Info and coordination for Ethernet Card
 project; links to other Apple II hardware projects

Apple II Forums- Apple II message boards and chats on-line
A2 (Apple II) on Delphi- Apple II discussion & chats
A2Pro on Delphi- programming discussion & lessons
Apple II Livejournal forum- Apple II discussion
Apple2list forum- Apple II discussion chat- AOL IM chat (click chat button)
GSWorldView on Delphi- Apple II news, discussion, and chats
II Computing on Delphi- Apple II discussion, and chats
IRC Apple Channel: #apple2 includes Apple II discussion & chats
Syndicomm- offers Apple II forum & chats (paid members)
The A.P.P.L.E. Crate BBS forum- Apple II discussion
Vintage forum- includes Apple II discussion
WAUC on Delphi- Apple II discussion & chats
What is the Apple IIgs forum- Apple IIgs discussion

Apple II Haven- software, hardware, books database and links

Apple II Projects- hardware/software projects and commentary

Apple II User Interfaces- screen shots and descriptions
of II/IIgs user interface displays

Apple II WebRing- links for several vendor,
user group, and personal sites

Apple II World (Japanese)- Apple II info and links

Apple IIe Emulation- offers Apple PC emulator plus a few games

Apple2 U. Michagan- A2 archive, includes Apple technotes;
ftp mirror site: UUNet Apple II news, info, and links Apple II projects; computer and card pics;
hosts old Csa2 FAQs

Bart's Network from Heck- info and pics for an evolving
multi-machine home network including Apple II's

Beagle Bros Online Museum- Beagle Bros history,
product info and classic BB pics

BBS Contacts
Call A.P.P.L.E BBS List
Ground List (in Text version of FAQs)

Boris Guenter's Pages- includes "European Orchids" nature stack
pages (also downloadable for IIgs).

Bret's IIgs Software- II/IIgs software (including Operation
Lambda and PuyoPuyo IIgs) by Bret Victor

C-One Page- information about the project to develop
a 65xxx-based re-configurable computer

CFFA Project Page- docs, pics, and firmware for Rich Dreher's
CompactFlash/IDE Interface for the Apple II

Chebucto- Apple II/IIgs utilities

Clairemont High School Room 110- Apple II student
projects and information

Classic Computer Magazine Archive- maintains collections of
Creative Computing, Compute, and other classic computer
magazines (multi-platform, some Apple II)

Computer Lab Teacher- message board and links for
teachers (multi-platform,  some Apple II)

Contiki- home page for the compact Contiki OS with browser for
Apple II and other relatively small systems

Daniel Webster's Apple2 GS Page- IIgs software by DW; links

DAR Systems International- creator of Mines of Moria and other
A2 classics; recently released ProLine BBS 3.1; Downloads

Daryl's 65C02 Hobby Page- 65816 for all Apple II's and other
  harware/software projects

Deja News- search newsgroups

Don Lancaster's The Guru's Lair- info on PIC microprocessor use
 (in BASIC Stamp modules, robots, ...); links; multi-platform

Edhel's Apple II Stuff- Apple II programs by Edhel plus
info and PEEKs & POKEs

Emulation Net- information and software for several
Apple II emulators

Ewen's Home Page- IIgs telecom software and information

Fadden's Junk: Apple II Files- A2 and related utilities and
CD-Recordable FAQs by Andy McFadden; also see
FaddenSoft and NuLib2 sites

Free Tools Association- info and downloads for games, demos, and
  other software from FTA; home site for the
ActiveGS emulator (IE preferred)

Gareth Jones Page- IIgs Bookstacks, Bookstack software;
Hypercard info  and tutorials by Gareth Jones;
a Free Software page describes A2 freeware

Historical.Exhibits- Apple II series and clone system pics,
history, specs, commentary
8-bit Museum
Apple 2 Clones
Apple II Collection
Apple II Game Museum
AppleII History
Dr.Tom's Apple 1 Page
Keppels's Classics (requires newer browser)
Obsolete Computer Museum
The Machine Room
The Trailing Edge
Unofficial, Unauthorized, Apple Online Museum
Vintage Computer Festival

Home of the Apple II- Apple II manuals on-line, new user
info, A2 article reprints, links, and message board

IC/Chipinfo- places to look up IC part numbers, etc.
  Chip Directory
  IC Master
 Kieth's Parts Page

II Computing- USENET Csa2 Apple.II FAQs html website
and USENET Csa2 Programmer.FAQS in html

IIGS Haufbrauhaus- IIgs info and software; includes
SuperMarioBros/gs by Lucas Scharenbroich

Interactive Fiction Archive- Infocom and other games, game solutions,
authoring/interpreter software, hints (multi-platform)

KansasFest Web Page- KansasFest information

Ken Gagne's Page- games and other Apple II software by Ken Gagne

Kim Howe's Page- the Arachnid Browser and other Apple IIgs
software by Kim Howe

Kitchen Sink Software- A2 graphical desktop and other software

KulaSoft- Offers extensive indexes of Apple II publications; sells
Apple II software and books (see Vendors listing)

L.J. Silicon's Treasure Chest- Apple II software by Rudy Guy,
links, Hyper wares, GS Technotes, news, and more

LandSnail Apple II References- offers lists of Applesoft, IntegerBASIC,
  DOS 3.3, and ProDOS commands with brief descriptions.

Larry Virden's Apple II Programmer's Catalog of Languages and Toolkits
Apple II programming software information

Laz's Apple II Pages- A2 and Mac A2-support software by Lazarus I. Long

Luddite Enterprises- 8-bit A2 sound & music resources, including
Simon Williams's Timelord sequencer.

Mainly Neat Stuff- Info about the more obscure Apple II, Apple III, Mac, ...
hardware and software plus manuals and marketing materials.

Marinetti Home Page- Support and Download site for the
IIgs TCP/IP stack

McGovern Apple IIgs- many individual and site links

Michael J. Mahon's Page- Mike's 8-bit Sound Editor and misc A2 items

Moose's Software Valley- A2 history & info with pics, reviews, and many
utility and other programs by Mike "Moose" O'Malley

Morgan Davis Group- Morgan Davis's site with history plus software
and docs for MD BASIC, RADE, and other MDG products.
News Readers- free newsgroup reader services which allow posting
Google.      .Mailgate
Lists of free Usenet Newsgroup servers
Google Power Search- search newsgroups
News.answers faqs Archive        .
News.answers Index                                                .
Comp.emulators.apple2-emu faq archive                      .
  Comp.sys.apple2- Apple II faq archive                          .
Comp.sys.apple2.gno- GNO faq archive                       .
Comp.sys.apple2.programmer- Programmer faq archive

Ninja Force- Apple IIgs utilities and resources

Odessa Entertainment- on-line entertainment 'zines

Paul Schlyter's Apple II Stuff- programming info, compilers,
  S-C assemblers, utilities, Assembly Line disks, ...

Penguin Software Archive- Penguin/Polarware software and history

Phoenyx's Apple II Applications- utilities and games by Phoenyx

RedSkull's Flash ROM Page- pics, info, and software for the Apple II
Flash ROM programmer and Drive by Leslie Ayling.

Resources for the Older Macintosh & for Specific Macs- two sites
with many information links for Apple II users who also use Macs

Retro Roundup- Headlines plus links for several
classic computer news sources

Richard Bennett's Page- Apple II/IIgs utilities and games

Robots Wanted: Dead or Alive- info and pics for old and new
robots; robot projects, repairs, parts, and links

Sassy Software- CoolWriter and other IIgs productivity and
utility software

Scott Alfter's Pages- Apple Assembly Line Archive, software,
and EPROM programmer project

SheppyWare- Wolfenstein-3D and other Apple II/IIgs
games and utilities

So What Software- versatile, interesting Apple IIgs programming
software from So What

Stephan's Retrocomputing Site- A2 emulators plus some adventures
with docs and screen pics

Tarnover- home of the Computist Project; maintains index plus
scans of Computist issues as jpegs; includes Library Disks
Tech Notes- sites which maintain Apple II Tech Notes
  Ground (Text)
  Apple2 U. Michagan (Text)
Aaron's Apple II Page Technotes (HTML)

Terence J. Boldt's Apple II Page- ProDOS bootable ROM
drive and other A2 hardware projects

The Fridge- 6502 info, tutorials, assembly language routines

The Giant List- comprehensive listing of classic games and authors
plus news, interviews, and behind-the-scenes stories

Underground //e (French)- Apple II information and links

Vectronic's World- Apple II info and links plus some
software downloads

Washington Apple Pi- Apple II information/support
and Apple.III FAQs

Wayne Stewart's Apple II Page- features  scans of manuals,
ROMs, and pics for interface, accelerator, RAM card,
and other boards. (down)  Steve Wozniak's official website 6502microprocessor info and projects